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cplace Day Recording

cplace: Flexibility by Design

The PPM toolkit

Dive into the core elements of the cplace PPM toolkit. Stay ahead of the game with our newest Solution Templates, expertly crafted to empower true hybrid project management. Explore an array of brand-new building blocks, including the pilot release of our Resource Planning app and much more.

The power of the platform

Discover the full potential of our platform, which offers an impressive suite of features: workflows, automation, dynamic charts, office reporting, and an extensive catalog of layouts and widgets. Learn about the Enterprise Connect Foundation, which enables seamless data exchange between Jira, cplace, and other popular business software solutions.

Adaptability for custom-fit use

Explore our extensive customization capabilities and gain insights into tailoring solutions to unique requirements. We delve into the essential rail guards needed to facilitate genuine flexibility and how cplace equips enterprises with robust capabilities for IT governance and software lifecycle management.

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cplace Day 2023 Building Collaboration in Pharma R&D

Video – Building Collaboration in Pharma R&D

In the pharmaceutical industry, Roche has spearheaded a groundbreaking approach to team empowerment by embracing digitalization and fostering a culture of collaboration.

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