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Solution Template

Integrated Maturity Management

Keep track of the progress of your projects

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Solution Template Integrated Maturity Management

The Solution Template Integrated Maturity Management is a tool for managing, assessing, and reporting on the maturity of projects. It gives organizations complete visibility into their development status at all times. As part of quality management, maturity management accompanies the development process: Risks and deviations from goals are detected early and countermeasures can be initiated promptly. 

Further, it ensures that the required quantity of goods are produced at the right time, according to defined requirements, but at optimized costs.

Icon - Pfeil


With the maturity manager, cplace offers methodical support for the development process of manufacturing companies.

Icon Magnifying Glass


Development processes are supported by transparency, communication and rhythm until the required product maturity.

Icon Check 89

Quality and efficiency

Projects and processes are demonstrably improved, by using the cplace maturity manager as part of quality management.

Product Highlights

Everything you need in one place

Users keep track of deadlines and goal indicators in their personal dashboard.

Integrated Maturity Management - Everything you need in one place

All dates at a glance

Maturity view provides at-a-glance view of upcoming milestones and their assessment dates.

Integrated Maturity Management - All dates at a glance

Target Indicators

A traffic light system provides a quick overview of the assessment of different maturity levels.

Integrated Maturity Management - Target Indicators


The Action Board provides a Kanban-style overview of all tasks.

Integrated Maturity Management - Measures


Review and assess maturity at time of assessment.

Integrated Maturity Management - All dates at a glance


Icon Graph Bar Increase

Maturity Progress

Continuous maturity management helps organizations achieve their goals faster and better

Icon Target Check

Target Indicator Definition

Tracking project maturity leads to a continuous improvement process

Icon Magic Wand

Focus on needs and requirements

Expectations and reality can be reconciled

Icon Check 89


Enhanced project planning with additional features

Icon Collaborations Idea

Maturity Criteria 

Possibility to evaluate by aggregation or manually

Icon Magnifying Glass


Binding milestones, a specific maturity level, or a target-performance comparison help you evaluate ongoing projects



  • Category: Project Management, Maturity Management 
  • Developer: collaboration Factory AG 
  • Compatibility: cplace 23.2+


This Solution Template uses the cplace functionalities Landing Page, Office Reporting, Project Planning, Low-Code Automations, Visualizations.

Required Licenses

The free use of this Solution Template is based on the licensing of the following products:

  • cplace Platform: Professional or higher
  • Premium Applications: Enterprise Board, Enterprise Scheduling

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