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Hamburger Hochbahn

Portfolio Planning with the cplace Master Plan Tool

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Success Story – Hamburger Hochbahn

With the master plan tool based on cplace, which is tailored to our needs, we are able for the first time to combine strategy and core business and to carry out portfolio planning taking into account all framework conditions.

Franziska Ortner
Consultant to the Chief Technical Officer


In order to better coordinate the planning of large-scale and long-term infrastructure projects within the company, the possibility should be created to involve all areas of HOCHBAHN – in particular engineering, operations, and traffic and service planning – in the planning process at an early stage.

In addition, the company previously lacked a digital solution for central data storage – a single source of truth – which, on the one hand, collects sound and reliable project information in a central location and makes it transparently accessible to all and, on the other hand, is intended to serve as a basis for long-term, strategic decisions.

The goal was to enable portfolio planning that takes all framework conditions into account. A master plan tool was to be created for this purpose.

cplace Solution

With a newly developed planning process and the master plan tool tailored to it, the Hamburg elevated railroad HOCHBAHN now succeeds in portfolio planning with cplace, taking all framework conditions into account. The ability to simulate different scenarios allows for better decisions for long-term, major projects.


Icon Database 7

Central Data Management

The master plan tool as a single source of truth with maximum data protection

Icon Strategy Tasks

Maturity Management

The warning system for projects that cannot be continued in the portfolio planning

Icon Task List

Complexity and Risk Management

Minimize risks by recognizing complex dependencies

Involved Partners

Dataciders QuinScape GmbH
Tiba Technologieberatung GmbH Logo

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